Thursday, November 27, 2014

Organs of Immune System

All leukocytes are produced and mature in the bone marrow, except T lymphocytes, that mature in the thymus*. Mature leukocytes circulate constantly between the lymph nodes* and the spleen through blood vessels and lymphatic vessels.
*Thymus: organs located in the chest, at the basic of the strenum. 
*lymph nodes: small organs of the lymphatic network in which immune responses take place.
*Spleen: organ located in the upper left part of the abdomen (Dakroub, 2011).
Organs of Immune system, 
Image from(Immunator Honey, 2013)

The Immune System
Video taken from ( Nutritional Immunolog, 2011)


Immunator Honey. (2013, May). Organs of the Immune system. Retrieved from

Dakroub, R. N. (2011). Life and Earth Sciences. Lebanon, Sin El Fil: center for educational resarch and Development, Educational Company. Nutritional Immunolog. (2011, March 18). The Immune System[Video file]. Retrieved from

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