Saturday, November 29, 2014


Granulocytes and Macrophages attack all microbes equally well, regardless of their nature, by Phagocytosis (from Greek: Phagein= eat: cytos= cell)
The Inflammatory reaction is a rapid, local and protective immune response that relies mostly on phagocytosis. It constitutes the first line of defense against the aggressor. Since it is identical whatever the aggressor is, it is said to be non-specific*(Dakroub, 2011).
* Non-Specific: refers to an immune response that does not depend on the intruder's identity. 

In phagocytosis, or 'cell eating' the cell engulfs debris, bacteria, or other sizable objects. Phagocytosis occurs in specialized cells called phagocytes, which include macrophages, neutrophils, and other white blood cells. Invagination produces a vesicle called a phagosome, which usually fuses with one or more lysosomes containing hydrolytic enzymes. Materials in the phagosome are broken down by these enzymes and degraded (Pearson Education, 2012).

Process of Phagocytosis 
Image from (Biology / Medicine Animations HD, 2014)


Pearson Education. (2012, February 12). Concept 2 Review: Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis.Retrieved November 30, 2014, from

Biology / Medicine Animations HD. (2014, March 3). Process of Phagocytosis [HD Animation] [Video file]. Retrieved from

Dakroub, R. N. (2011). Life and Earth Sciences (Basic Edition, Grade Eight ed.). Lebanon, Sin El Fil: Center for Educational Resarch and Development, Educational Company.

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